Dear Bros and Mary sorry I haven't wrote sooner, I had company last wk. and was kindly tired when we got back from Lincoln. I went with Elsie and Dewey. Virginia and Bob put Selba away awful nice and he looked so natural. the cemetery was 11 miles from town. he had a lot of nice flowers. After the funeral we went to Bob and Agnes for dinner at Beatrice (Nebr.) that was 60 mi from Lincoln. we left there at 3:15 and got back to Wray (Colo.) a little after 9. Elsie and Dewey staid all nite with me and went home Sun. Vesta and Rusty didn't go, they were sick. it is cold and windy this morn. got a little rain last eve. I have the work done. Should go to the Dr and see about my Blood Pressure it is so hard [to] have to depend on someone to take me.
hope both of you are well. Evelyn had the flu last wk end but Better now and working. All the rest are well. if the weather doesn't clear up and get warm. don't think I will Put out any garden. And have to take care of the yard. it looks teribele (sic) lot of the grass has died suppose every thing there is nice and green.
Well there isn't much news. havn't seen Frank for a long time and Cleo is about the same. Drussel sure has a tough time. I feel sorry for her.
As ever love and Best wishes sis Velma
bloggers note: who are the last two people mentioned in the letter, and who is the letter addressed to?
Update: I found the family of Frank and "Dora" in the 1920 Census taken at Cheyenne county, Kansas. Their children include a daughter named Drussel. I believe the "Dora" in the census is Velma's sister, "Nora" and Drussel would refer to Velma's niece. Cleo is Cleo Brough, Drussel's husband.
I have in my tree that Velma married Oscar Peter Rodgers 24 March 1918.